
A Frequency Independent Phase Shifter

A frequency-independent phase shift is determined such that two phase shifted versions of a signal can be summed whereby the resulting amplitude spectrum is unchanged.

Authors: Máté Csanád, Amira K. F. Val Baker, Paul Oomen.

Abstract: A frequency-independent phase shift is determined such that two phase shifted versions of a signal can be summed whereby the resulting amplitude spectrum is unchanged. A phase difference between two signals is thus defined which remains constant for all frequencies within a given range. For the intended purpose of this study we set the frequency range to the audible human hearing range of 16 Hz - 20 kHz. We find that a new 3-stage method provides a variable phase shifter (i.e., 𝜙 = 0 - 360°) without the need for additional amplifiers. As well, we present a new method that reduces the amount of stages necessary, improving on both the accuracy and efficiency of current techniques.

Disciplines: Engineering, Signal Processing, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Keywords: band filter, frequency independence phase shifter, signal processing, sound transformation, time delayer


APA: Csanád, M., Val Baker, A., & Oomen, P. (2023, September 17). A Frequency Independent Phase Shifter.

MLA: Csanád, Máté, et al. “A Frequency Independent Phase Shifter.” OSF Preprints, 17 Sept. 2023. Web.

Chicago: Csanád, Máté, Amira Val Baker, and Paul Oomen. 2023. “A Frequency Independent Phase Shifter.” OSF Preprints. September 17. doi:10.31219/

IEEE: [1] M. Csanád, A. Val Baker and P. Oomen, “A Frequency Independent Phase Shifter”, 17-Sep-2023. [Online]. Available:

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